Saturday, August 9, 2008

Brother Crusty Pants

So my first post is about a fictional character. Well not so much a fictional character as much as a general term for that guy in your church that has a pissy attitude about everything. You know who he is. He is the guy who always complains about things, no matter how good they are, has to be at the center of attention, has the biggest ego around, and thinks that he is always in charge.

He is in every church, in every city, in every state. He even crosses denominational lines. Baptists, Methodists, Episcopals, Lutherans, Catholics, Assembly of God, Penticostals, and even Church of Christs have him. He can be either a lay person, a pastor, deacon, elder, Sunday school teacher, even a Sanitational Engineer. In the words of Ray Stevens, "He's Everywhere, He's Everywhere!"

So the question is, "Where does this guy come from?" The next question I ask is, "Where does this guy get off acting like this?" I mean this guy really could not have been this way all his life could he? What turned him to "The Dark Side"? Does he even know that he is doing it, or is it such a natural reaction that its an automatic response?

Really my problem with this guy is that he is portraying Christ in a negative light. Take that a step further and understand that there are sometimes more than one in a church, can we say that maybe this guy(at least his attitude) is a huge reason that people don't want what we (Christians) claim to have? Remember that this is the same guy that will reprimand a church visitor, an unchurched person, for doing something wrong in the service, or sitting in the wrong place in the worship center. Why would I want to go back to that place??

I heard of a church the other day that said they consider it a good day if a certain member doesn't drop the "F Bomb" at least once during Sunday services. What would Brother Crusty Pants say about that? I think I'll put that on a bracelet... WWBCPS...LOL!

Questions for discussion.

1. What is Brother Crusty Pant's Problem?
2. What should be done with him? (Biblically & Personally)
3. Is he killing our churches?
4. Do you have a Bro. Crusty Pants story? I would love to hear them!


PS. Yes I had a run in with one this evening! AHHHHHHHHHHH


Anonymous said...

Sadly, Brother Crusty Pants (BCP) is not a new phenomenon. He's been around for a long time. Jesus had to battle this type of attitude in his ministry (Pharisees anyone?) and even within the ranks of his own 12 closest disciples. Exhibit A:

John 12: Mary Anoints Jesus
1 Jesus, therefore, six days before the Passover, came to Bethany where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. 2 So they made Him a supper there, and Martha was serving; but Lazarus was one of those reclining at the table with Him. 3 Mary then took a pound of very costly perfume of pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. 4 But Judas Iscariot, one of His disciples, who was intending to betray Him, said, 5 “Why was this perfume not sold for three hundred denarii and given to poor people?” 6 Now he said this, not because he was concerned about the poor, but because he was a thief, and as he had the money box, he used to pilfer what was put into it. 7 Therefore Jesus said, “Let her alone, so that she may keep it for the day of My burial. 8 “For you always have the poor with you, but you do not always have Me.”

Instead of worshiping along with Mary, this case Judas was worried about how much this "act of worship" was costing. Sound familiar? This had to have been a solemn, worshipful time for Mary and probably other disciples who were watching the event, and what does Judas do? He open's his critical mouth. Don't raise your hands during a song, that's too may spontaneously break out into tongues. That song has to much of a rock and roll beat, you can't worship that way. You can't come to worship without a coat and tie. Sunday school is at 9:30 worship at 10:30, Jesus doesn't receive worship at any other time.

Exhibit B:

Matthew 19: Jesus Blesses Little Children

13 Then some children were brought to Him so that He might lay His hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them. 14 But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 15 After laying His hands on them, He departed from there.

BCP shows his ugly, wrinkled face again; this time children are involved. "Don't let those dirty little rug rats get in Jesus' way. They are noisy, they don't behave, they don't give to the church, etc. They don't' need new approaches to ministry or new multi-media equipment. Flannel graph was good enough for my kids, it's good enough for yours. Sound familiar?

I could give more examples, but you get the point. Problem with BCP is his heart and mind are focused on the wrong things...mainly himself. Sad thing is we all have a BCP that creeps up and takes control of our thoughts and actions sometimes. Don't believe me? Look at the apostle Paul. You remember him, the one who used the KJV only? His own personal "BCP" cropped up and cause a split between him and his good friend Barnabas. All because he did not want to give John Mark a second chance. What if Christ did not give 2nd chances? In Paul's defense, it appears he learn's from this mistake later in life and personally request's a visit from Mark (2 Timothy 4)

I've got a sneaky feeling that as long as the Church is on this earth, there are going to be BCP's to deal with. It's a package deal. We don't have to change um, just love them and try not to let them get in the way of God's work and mission. BCP could also be in our churches to show us what we ourselves could become, if we let our own personal, sinful "BCP" control our thoughts and lives and not the Holy Spirit.

BCP reminds me of Statler and Waldorf on the old 70s muppet show. The two old grumps can never find a single thing good to say about the show, yet they are there every week up in their same box seats? Why is that? BCP comes to church every week and loves to criticize, yet never thinks about finding a different "show" to attend?

Samuel Clinton Titus said...

i agree Jonathan. those people are who the "outsiders" see the church. they do not see the real church and the real people inside it. i think it is a shame that those people have a bigger name than the real people.

Anonymous said...

Or is Bro Crusty Pants just not being a transformer and showing his true colors? Maybe we need to find a way to reach out to this guy. If we are going to get real with the person we are deep down inside, we may have to realize that we have a little BCP in us. Also, to play the devil's advocate a little, I think we all (including me) portray Christ in a negative light. Probably more than once a day.

andy titus said...

Thanks for the convictions Mel. I agree that we all have a bit of the BCP syndrome from time to time. I hate to think of all the times that I have misrepresented Christ while acting like BCP, or just being hypocritical. That is why BCP isn't a specific person, but a description of a general attitude. If I were to call one person BCP then it wouldn't be fare to the rest of us who act like that from time to time!