Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What good does it do...

So here is a thought that I have been mulling over for he last couple of months...

I get these e-mails from various "Christian" groups. Things like, "Obama defends "discarding" life" and "Let's overwhelm Obama on Capitol Hill today" or "Pepsi refuses to be neutral in the culture war, remains the leading corporate sponsor of homosexual group." Each one asking me (and everyone else they sent it too) to either make a donation or "get involved" by taking some predetermined action.

The thought that I have about this is, "What good does it do?" I also think, "why do they spend so much energy, time, and resources FIGHTING the opposition? Was that Jesus' example? Could our money be put to better use?" I mean what would happen if these groups took the money they get in donations, the time they use sending out email, and FIGHTING the enemy into 1 Loving God, 2 Loving People, and 3 Sharing Jesus with the very people they are fighting?

Now I hate the overused phrase WWJD, but we have to ask ourselves is this the approach that Jesus would use to change a lost world, or more accurately what DID he do? I know that there are times recorded in the Bible that Jesus was as one pastor put it "PISSED" and acted in righteous anger, but was that his normal approach? I don't think it was. Most of what we read in the Bible is Jesus interacting with the "worst" people in society. He accepted them where they were at, told them about God/His love, asked them to believe in him, and then let them make up their mind. Once they accepted his way they were CHANGED! Not just a superficial change but a life altering, for real honest and sincere change.

Wouldn't we be better served by leaving our "Big Stick" approach to fighting the sin in the world and following a lifestyle of personal evangelism? We may still have to pick-up a bullwhip now and then but it should be the exception instead of the rule.

Not that I have already obtained this lifestyle, but the approach of many Christian groups just doesn't sit very well with me right now. Since I am not the kind of person that likes to identify a problem and not present a solution here is a proposition/challenge/dare.

Stop fighting, start loving, start serving, start sharing Jesus with those who do not already accept Jesus as their saviour. Take the time, money, and resources that are typically used in the battle and put them into teaching people to be evangelists, leading people (By example) in evangelism, and start changing the world. ONE LIFE AT A TIME. Remember, Success isn't labeled by "decisions" but by OBEDIENCE. Wouldn't all of the "problems/Issues" that we spend so much time fighting all but go away if we loved God enough to share his transforming power with others?

I think that if we were to show them a better life through Christ and then let HIM change people we wouldn't have a need for such sensational titles as those that find their way into my inbox.

I hope in the days ahead that I will be obedient in sharing my faith with someone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember, if you don't pass this email along to your friends you are ashamed of Jesus and not a real Christian.

What if we spent more time reading our Bibles than forwarding emails?