"The best Easter celebrations start at Dillon's" (Kroger)
So I haven't blogged in a year. Not for any reason other than I just haven't done it. Well something has been bugging me for a while now and it is a stupid commercial from Dillon's grocery store. The top line is a quote from said commercial, and that is what bothers me. I want to scream at the TV "EXCUSE ME, BUT I THOUGHT THE BEST EASTER CELEBRATIONS STARTED AT THE CROSS! MY BAD!"
I know its a small thing but really, and they are a secular orginization and all but can't we edit that commercial? It should say, "The best Easter meals start at Dillon's." I know we as Americans celebrate food and all but lets stop lying already.
Really I blame the Christians. We've screwed up so bad that we've allowed the world to take over and pervert the most important religious holiday we have. WHY? Because we have done a lousy job of spreading the Gospel.
This Sunday, we should remember our Lord & Saviour's resurrection, but not just on that day. We should celebrate it 365 days each year, and as we do so we should take the time to share the Good news & Hope we have in Christ.
Wishing you and everyone you know a blessed Lord's day a swe remember his Final sacrifice for our lives!j