Friday, April 9, 2010

A Life Altering Experience

So some people have asked me "what do you do at these conventions you go to?" Well today I have an answer! I learn about cool things, cool things that involve MEAT! Cool things like the Bacon Explosion"
"What is that?" you may ask...
Bacon, wrapped in Pork sausage, wrapped in bacon. Then smoked to greasy goodness.
Eating it is a life altering experience. (maybe because of the impending heart attack)
There are so many variations that it could become and many flavors to be enjoyed.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Casual" Worship?

Our church started a new service today. We have been working on it for about two months, and today was the culmination of everyone's efforts. The service is designed to be more contemporary with a Casual feel. The music is lead by a band, with lead and backup vocals, the songs are current, jeans are fine, coffee is served, and there are no "rules" about how you have to act during the service, Just as long as we are worshiping. 

The service went very well, and everyone was pleased (even the techyest of the tech people.) I've seen and heard from many people that the "Casual Worship Service" was good. What bothers me is the terminology we are using. How can worship be casual? I get it, the word casual is modifying the Service not Worhsip, but I'm not sure that the average unchurched person would understand this. 

How could you have an experience with A living God, proclaiming his majesty and greatness and be casual about it? Its not really possible. I guess that it IS possible but not very plausable. If you worship casually then you really aren't worshiping. 

What if the Seraphs in Isaiah 6 had been worhsiping Casually? 

2Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they sort of covered their faces, with two they almost covered their feet, and with two they were flying. 3 And they were Mumbling to one another: 
       "Holy, holy, holy is the lord Almigmmnb; 
       the whole earth is full of his glor."

 4 At the sound of their voices no one was impressed, and they really didn’t care. Not much fuss was made.

What would God have done or said? Is God accepting of Mediocare? Is Mediocare good enough for God? OBVIOUSLY NOT!

I know its just words that we are using but sometimes we use the right words in the wrong way and end up saying something we don't really mean. Something that could give the wrong impression to someone who really needs to Experience God and all that he is about, all he is doing, and all his glory. Nothing casual about that!

What do you think?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


"The best Easter celebrations start at Dillon's" (Kroger)

So I haven't blogged in a year. Not for any reason other than I just haven't done it. Well something has been bugging me for a while now and it is a stupid commercial from Dillon's grocery store.  The top line is a quote from said commercial, and that is what bothers me. I want to scream at the TV "EXCUSE ME, BUT I THOUGHT THE BEST EASTER CELEBRATIONS STARTED AT THE CROSS! MY BAD!"

I know its a small thing but really, and they are a secular orginization and all but can't we edit that commercial? It should say, "The best Easter meals start at Dillon's." I know we as Americans celebrate food and all but lets stop lying already. 

Really I blame the Christians. We've screwed up so bad that we've allowed the world to take over and pervert the most important religious holiday we have. WHY? Because we have done a lousy job of spreading the Gospel. 

This Sunday, we should remember our Lord & Saviour's resurrection, but not just on that day. We should celebrate it 365 days each year, and as we do so we should take the time to share the Good news & Hope we have in Christ. 

Wishing you and everyone you know a blessed Lord's day a swe remember his Final sacrifice for our lives!j