So some people have asked me "what do you do at these conventions you go to?" Well today I have an answer! I learn about cool things, cool things that involve MEAT! Cool things like the Bacon Explosion"
These are just my random thoughts, nothing more, sometimes less. They may be about nothing they may be about something. Most of the time they may be religious/spiritual in nature.
2Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they sort of covered their faces, with two they almost covered their feet, and with two they were flying. 3 And they were Mumbling to one another:
"Holy, holy, holy is the lord Almigmmnb;
the whole earth is full of his glor."
4 At the sound of their voices no one was impressed, and they really didn’t care. Not much fuss was made.
What would God have done or said? Is God accepting of Mediocare? Is Mediocare good enough for God? OBVIOUSLY NOT!
I know its just words that we are using but sometimes we use the right words in the wrong way and end up saying something we don't really mean. Something that could give the wrong impression to someone who really needs to Experience God and all that he is about, all he is doing, and all his glory. Nothing casual about that!
What do you think?