This one has been on the back burner for a while now, so its good and ready!
What do you think of when you hear the word REVIVAL?
More than likely one of a few things goes thru your head. If you are a church kid like me, you think "is it Wednesday thru Sunday, or Sunday thru Wednesday? Who is the preacher, and who is leading music?" If you aren't a church kid, maybe something like a scene from ER where they are trying to revive a patient, or the commercial "Revive with VIVARIN." Which is closer to the true meaning of the word? Obviously the scene from ER.
This is why I have come to HATE,
HATE, the word Revival! What we have come to know as a revival in our churches today is nothing like revival at all. We either think that it is all about winning lost people to Jesus, or having a few days worth of services with a guest preacher. Maybe we even through in a pot luck or two. I am a Baptist after all! What we know as a revival is nothing like what it was originally intended to be. We have distorted it. It has even become a routine. We have one in the Spring, and then another in the fall. If we are lucky we will even have a "One Day Revival with Dr. Stan Starbucks!" (Don't get me started on the ramifications of a "ONE DAY" revival.)
Now take into consideration that I am not talking about a true revival. I am only talking about what it has become in most churches today. What the real problem is, is that we should not even need a revival. I don't think that Jesus ever had it in mind that we should let ourselves get to the point where we need that anyways. I know, I know, human/sin nature, backsliding and all that, but what are we really supposed to do? Keep in step with the spirit. (Gal 5:25) This does not really give us opportunity to need revival. If we are always in step with the spirit we will always be full of Life.
So let me propose a change in terminology. But before I tell you what I propose we switch to let me build my case a bit better. When Nicodemus came to Jesus what was he in search of? Could he have been in search of what Jesus was offering? But what was Jesus offering to the people then? Eternal Life. What did Nicodemus need to know about Eternal Life? HOW? HOW? HOW does one procure Eternal Life? Jesus' answer, "you must be born again." In the New Andy Version, "You need to get borned one more time."
I think Nick (can I call him that?) was pretty perplexed by this statement as is evidenced by his response. I can go back in THERE and be pushed out again can I? John 3:4 New Andy Version. Jesus told him that he must be born again not Physically (Whew, thank goodness for that!) but born again in his spirit. He had to become another person. A new person, leave the old Nick behind and let Jesus change him into the man He wanted him to be. Simple enough right? Basically Nick needed a Re-Birth, a change from old and crusty to new and fresh. From what was going to die, to what will live forever. A Re-Birth. An inward change (Spirit) manifested in an outwardly visible manner (physical).
What is interesting is that the evidence we have in the Bible is that once a person is really Re-born they never want to go back to the way they were, leaving no room for "Revival" to take place. Sometimes we will need a good swift kick in the pants to get us back on track, but not a
full fledged, crock pot toting, pulpit pounding, sweating, spitting, hell fire & brimstone, takin' up a love offering, All to Jesus I Surrender singin' meeting. Just look at Peter, he got taken out back for a whoopin a time or two, but Jesus never sent him to the local First Self-Righteous Church for 4 nights of FUN (see above) to make it happen. Sometimes all it took was the look from his Saviour and he got back in line.
So here is my official proposal...
1. We at the very least stop using the word "REVIVAL"
2. We start spending our time seeking true, authentic, heart changing Re-Birth. Or as I like to call it a Renaissance. The very definition of that word is Re-birth!
3. We start changing our perspective about what is really important. From having "revivals" to wake up our church members to Finding people that need Re-birth and showing them what its all about. Discipeling them and preempting the need for "revival."
4. Start building around those that have become stagnate in their relationship. Surround them with those who have been Re-born until they wake up and realize what Eternal Life is really all about.
There you have it folks (I should probably say Folk as I really only have one reader. Thanks JJT!) my simple plan for changing the Church as we know it today. It really isn't my plan, nor is it new, but I like it and it has become a very personal thing for me. So until next time I'll leave you singing a song...
We praise Thee, O God!
For the Son of Thy love,
For Jesus Who died,
And is now gone above.
Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Hallelujah! Amen.
Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Revive us again.
We praise Thee, O God!
For Thy Spirit of light,
Who hath shown us our Savior,
And scattered our night.
All glory and praise
To the Lamb that was slain,
Who hath borne all our sins,
And hath cleansed every stain.
All glory and praise
To the God of all grace,
Who hast brought us, and sought us,
And guided our ways.
Revive us again;
Fill each heart with Thy love;
May each soul be rekindled
With fire from above.