So no matter how hard you try not to we always seem to put someone up on a pedestal. No matter how many times we swear that we won't do it again, we always seem to do it one more time! "I'll never do that again!" LOL. That reminds me of a song... Never say never, say never, again... (10,000 points to the person who comes up with the name of the movie it came from and the characters that sang it.) Sorry for chasing a rabbit there.
I never even mean to do it, but somehow I alwasy find out that I have. And how do I find out I've done it? I'm glad you asked! Something happens that makes me have to take them down, or push them off, or they have fallen off all by themselves. That is how I know that they have been elevated to a place that they were never meant to be. It is a slow gradual process isn't it? Kind of like the frog in the pot of water. Heat it up slowly and he won't jump out, he just gets used to it, and doesn't know any better then he winds up on someone's plate.
That's me, I'm the frog. I take one person down (Kind of like Joust on American Gladiators), Swear that no one will ever get put back up ther, then next thing I know the ref. is saying "Gladiator are you ready? Challenger are you ready?" Then we Joust! After the match is over I look around and realize what I have done again.
What is my point? Well, here it is...
John 12:32And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
Who should we be lifting up? Who should we be putting on the pecestal? None other than Jesus Christ himself. What did Jesus promise to do if we lift him up instead of a mere mortal man? He would draw all men to himself. On the other hand what happens when we lift up people? Boom Crash, they fall, topple, tumble down, Plunge down, slide, trip, egress, decend etc. etc. etc.
Why do we do it? I don't know, but we do it don't we. Clearly we are not supposed to lift anyone up but Christ, but we all do it. I would much rather lift up Christ so that he can draw all men to himself but somehow a person creeps up there. Even if we don't do it for other people to see we do it for ourselves. I wonder what causes us to do this?
It's funny ((not funny Ha Ha)another movie reference worth 10,000 points) but interesting that there is always disappointment when we hear about the fall of those we have placed in a position that they are never meant to be in. Afterall they are NOT perfect, and the only one that is, is the one we have a hard time lifting up. Funny. Aren't we curious creatures?
Does anyone have any experience with this? What are your thoughts?
BTW I hope you like the picture of The David!!